All picture credits: Geraldine Ee/ETH Zurich
Snapshots of circuit breaker
by Geraldine Ee, Communications Manager at the Singapore-ETH Centre, 20 August 2020

On the local trains, standing and seating spaces were marked to ensure safe distances between commuters. The demand for transport lowered considerably as most residents worked from home. Today, these markings are removed and all commuters are to don masks and avoid talking on public transport.

A field where foreign workers gather to play cricket over the weekends was out of bounds

While we were encouraged to stay home, taking walks and running along the Park Connector Networks linking residential areas and parks was and is still one way to stay active and connect with nature.

Playgrounds in public residential estates were cordoned off to prevent children from different households from mingling.

Snaking queues outside popular supermarkets over the weekends as supermarkets were the main go-to places to obtain groceries and for “retail-therapy”.

Most shops that do not offer “essential services”, such as fashion retail stores, were closed.

Shopping malls, shops, restaurants and parks have implemented “SafeEntry” system for contact tracing purposes and are still in operation today.

Some supermarkets put up recommended purchase quantities to discourage the anti-social behaviour of hoarding.

Public parks are still open, but gatherings are not allowed. Today, gathering of more than five persons anywhere is not allowed.

In private residential estates, swimming pools and gyms were closed and were reopened in late June.

Exercise stations in public residential estates were cordoned off and were reopened in late June.

“Safe distancing enforcement officers” were stationed at markets and malls to ensure that shoppers maintain safe distances from one another.

Queues at the food centre are longer than usual as patrons keep a distance of one meter apart. Consumption of food at food centres and eateries was not allowed until late June. Today, we can choose to dine in or take away.

Vending machines where all residents may collect one reusable mask per person. All residents are required to don masks when they are out in the public until today.

Mask distribution via vending machines at the local community centre. There was one subsequent round of distribution in July, when each resident was given two reusable masks.

Elderly citizens continue with their daily Taiji practice while ensuring safe distancing. Today, masks are not required as long as one is engaged in strenuous outdoor activities, including running, cycling and brisk walking.

About the author
Geraldine Ee is in the communications team at the Singapore-ETH Centre. She takes care of media, website, social media, internal communications, official visits and other public relations matters at the SEC.